Italian pottery ash tray - handpainted mid century ceramic
Regular price $30.00
Yerba mate gourd and bombilla with carved design - 1940s vintage
Regular price $40.00
Folk art embossed tin box with roosters -1960s vintage
Regular price $60.00
Folk art indigenous motifs tin relief covered box - 1960s vintage
Rosenthal Studio-Linie Brotzeit vase - Björn Wiinblad - 1970s vintage
Regular price $42.00
Original Nils Olsson rooster - 17" tall - handpainted vintage
Regular price $300.00
Carved wooden gingerbread molds - a pair - vintage decor
Regular price $90.00
Nevco Fold'n Carry Stools - a pair - 1970s vintage
Regular price $70.00
Peach with gold glass vanity boudoir bottles - vintage decor
Hammered three legged brass jardiniere - vintage bohemian decor
Regular price $65.00
Azure blue glass covered candy dish - 1960s vintage
Regular price $35.00
Brass candlesticks with push ups - late 19th century antique
Heavy brass candlestick pair - 8" - vintage brass
Regular price $36.00
Vintage turtle rattan basket with lid - 1970s vintage
Regular price $21.00
Tonala Mexican painted cat - vintage folk art
Regular price $24.00
N.S. Gustin sleeping painted cat figurine - American pottery
Rattan woven turtle woven trinket box - 1970s vintage
Dora Holzhandler porcelain trinket box - 1980s vintage
Regular price $25.00
Folk art Mexican clay cat figurine - vintage cat decor
Regular price $18.00
Sud & Co Cassis en Provence French terracotta small floral pitcher